Links - 07/30/2024
“If you want to get good at something which is competitive, you have to think about it a lot, and learn a lot, and practice doing it a lot. And the way the world is constructed in this field, you have to keep learning, because the world keeps changing and your competitors keep learning. So you just have to get up each morning and try and go to bed that night a little wiser than you were when you got up. And if you keep doing that for a long time — and accumulate some experience, good and bad, as you try and master what you’re trying to do — people who do that almost never fail utterly. They may have a bad period when luck goes against them or something. But very few people have ever failed with that. If you have the right temperament, you may rise slowly but you’re sure to rise…. If you have that temperament, you are gradually going to learn. And if you don’t have that temperament, I can’t help you.” —Charlie Munger (2010)
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sells Bank of America for a ninth straight day (LINK)
Giverny Capital Asset Management’s Q2 2024 Investment Letter (LINK)
Bridgewater: An Update from Our CIOs: How Durable Is the Economy? (LINK)
Dog Days - by Jason Zweig (LINK)
Three Things – Commodities, Bitcoin & Stocks - by Cullen Roche (LINK)
Can online classes change the game for some students? - by Bill Gates (LINK)
Attack of the AI Voice Clones: What you should know about “voice agents” (LINK)
Today’s Value Investing World newsletter is sponsored by Sorfis Investments. To discuss any Investment Management or Retirement Planning needs that you might have, schedule a call, or send us an email, today.
Founders Podcast: #358 I had dinner with John Mackey, Founder of Whole Foods (LINK)
The Value Perspective Podcast: Django Davidson from Hosking Partners (LINK)
Odd Lots Podcast: Zyns, Vapes and the Very Weird Market for New Nicotine Products (LINK)
Good Bad Billionaire Podcast: Tiger Woods: Golf’s ‘golden boy’ (LINK)
The Rest Is History Podcast: The French Revolution: Marie Antoinette (Part 1) (LINK)
The Rest Is History Podcast: The French Revolution: The Diamond Necklace Scandal (Part 2) (LINK)
Short History Of... Podcast: The Ancient Olympics (LINK)
Short Wave Podcast: The Curious Case Of The Supermassive Black Hole (LINK)
The Peter Attia Drive Podcast: Longevity 101: a foundational guide to Peter’s frameworks for longevity (Video, Podcast)
“The fact that you ‘can’t do’ something can be embarrassing. But if you are ‘learning to do’ something that is admirable. There are only tiny baby steps between can’t and learning.” —Kevin Kelly (“Excellent Advice for Living”)
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” —Michael Jordan
“The greatest glory in living, lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” —Nelson Mandela