Links - 7/18/2021
“Scepticism is good, but be a sceptic, not an iconoclast. Have rigour and flexibility, which might be considered an oxymoron but is exactly what I meant when I quoted Peter Robertson’s dictum ‘always change a winning game.’ An investment framework ought to include a liberal dose of scepticism both in terms of markets and of company accounts.” —Peter Cundill
From the archives (July 18, 2001)…. Warren Buffett at the University of Georgia [H/T @ShaiDardashti] (video) (LINK)
Berkshire drops pipeline purchase as Biden sets antitrust agenda (LINK)
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway could bag a 60% profit when Paytm goes public [H/T Linc] (LINK)
“Squawk Pod” Podcast from CNBC that featured the entire interview from “Buffett & Munger: A Wealth of Wisdom” [the aired version had to be cut to fit the 1-hour time slot] (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Don’t Believe the Inflated Yields on Inflation-Protected Bond Funds - by Jason Zweig (LINK)
Niall Ferguson on WealthTrack: Inflation: Understanding the History (video) (LINK)
This Week in Intelligent Investing Podcast: Season One Wrap: Highlighting Favorite Episodes | A Glimpse of What’s to Come (LINK)
The Rules of Investing Podcast: Grantham: This is a bubble, this is serious (from May 2021) [H/T Linc] (LINK)
What Got You There Podcast: #254 Guy Spier- Compounding Good Will & Capital (LINK)
The Investor’s Podcast Network: TIP362: Amazon Unbound w/ Brad Stone (LINK)
The Daily Stoic Podcast: 10 Pieces of Life Changing Wisdom From the Stoics (LINK)
On Being with Krista Tippett Podcast: [Unedited] Brian Greene with Krista Tippett – 2021 Conversation (LINK)
How are stars born? Absolutely gorgeously. See for yourself. (LINK)
Delta Is Driving a Wedge Through Missouri - by Ed Yong (LINK)
“It is in the treatment of trifles that a person shows what they are.” —Arthur Schopenhauer